Luke Rogers
I work in analysis on rough spaces, especially spaces with fractal structure, largely using techniques from harmonic and functional analysis. My PhD is from Yale University, earned under the supervision of Peter Jones, and I was an H.C. Wang Postdoc at Cornell University with Bob Strichartz. More details are on my research description page.
I am P.I. on the UConn Math NSF REU site grant, which also involves Professors Baudoin, Gordina, Teplyaev and Mostovyi.
Office Hours: Will be held on WebEx until further notice, see HuskyCT course site for details.
Email: luke.rogers@uconn.edu
Recent work
- REU Site renewedThe NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates Site in the UConn Math Department has been renewed. This grant supports approximately 9 undergraduates each year to come to UConn and do research with faculty and graduate student mentors.
- Analysis, Probability and Mathematical Physics on FractalsA new book from World Scientific. Edited by Patricia Alonso Ruiz, Joe P Chen, Luke G Rogers, Robert S Strichartz and Alexander Teplyaev
- Discretization of the Koch Snowflake Domain with Boundary and Interior Energiesby Malcolm Gabbard, Carlos Lima, Gamal Mograby, Luke G. Rogers, Alexander Teplyaev. We study the discretization of a Dirichlet form on the Koch snowflake domain and its boundary with the property that both the interior and the boundary can support positive energy.